Tired of exercises that were made for someone else’s body, despite your best efforts? Frustrated with a traditional medical approach that isn’t meeting your needs, while you are trying your best to feel better?


Your body isn’t just mechanical parts. Your symptoms are signals from your body’s inner wisdom that is trying its best to tell you what it needs.

Together we can interpret those signals and get to the root of your issues. We’ll create an individualized program that meets your body’s needs. You’ll feel empowered when you are able to find practices that you enjoy rather than struggle with. Let's awaken your body’s ability to heal itself.  


About Us

After nearly 30 years of teaching movement/exercise and 15 years of clinical practice as a doctor of physical therapy I created Inner Awakening to support clients on their inner journey to healing.

I have lived this journey as a patient, clinician, dancer, personal trainer, pilates instructor, yoga therapist and person living with invisible disability. My path revealed an underlying connective tissue disorder that affects every system of the body. Living with hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome has made me a better therapist, educator and health coach, because I had to find ways to cope– for myself and for the clients I serve. A a result, I’ve become a specialist in:

    • Hypermobility and EDS
    • Autonomic dysfunction/dysautonomia and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)
    • Intracranial hypertension and hypotension (CSF leaks)
    • Abdominopelvic therapy, the pelvic floor and core
    • Joint instability, stabilization and proprioception
    • Chronic pain and stiffness
    • Hands-on therapies and self-applied techniques to improve pain and ease of motion
    • Balance, stability, vestibular and sensory integrationTrauma-informed practice
    • Mindful movement-based strategies individualized for each client’s unique and evolving needs, even when complex or misunderstood medical conditions are present
    • Person-centered, evidence-informed, biopsychosocialspiritual practice


I am currently researching vagal nerve stimulation at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and I look forward to exploring how you can:

            • Stimulate your vagal/parasympathetic system to awaken your body’s capacity to rest, digest, restore and recover
            • Understand your body’s signals so that you can take informed action to meet your body’s needs
            • Feel confident in your ability to access resources and support that you need to optimize your health


Book Here for a Health Consultation 


Read more below in Our services, which include physical and yoga therapy, individualized therapeutic exercise, group workshops, online video library for at-home self-paced practice, online health consults and coaching to awaken your inner guide that will help you adapt to whatever challenges you are facing.



Additional services include:

-Integrative Restoration (iRest) Yoga Nidra

-Dry needling

-Tempromandibular disorder (TMD) or jaw pain management

-Pre/postnatal yoga or pelvic rehabilitation

-Advanced joint mobilization techniques for pain management and/or mobility


Book Here for Physical Therapy 


Looking forward to empowering your inner coach with a mindful and movement-inspired practice that works for you!

All the best, 

Dr. Catherine Lewan



Speciality Areas: 

  • Mobility and hypermobility
  • Pain Management and pain neuroscience education
  • Pelvic Floor, pelvis and spine
  • Pre and post-natal peripartum care
  • Trauma and post-traumatic stress
  • Autonomic regulation and polyvagal theory applications
  • POTS and Long-COVID POTS
  • Mindfulness, yoga, Pilates, adaptive therapeutic exercise



  • Physical therapy and pelvic physical therapy for women, men, trans and non-binary folks
  • Individual Health Coaching 
  • Health Coaching Groups (TBA- contact me to get on the wait list)
  • Online libraries and subscriptions for therapeutic exercise and education (coming soon)
  • Individual yoga therapy and group therapeutic yoga workshops
  • Professional education for therapists, healthcare and fitness professionals
  • Advocacy for underserved or misunderstood populations
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Keeping you and your practice evidence-inspired.